Industry know-how

Why Procurement Contract Management is Crucial for Midsize Companies

08 Sep 2024

In today’s fast-paced business environment, midsize companies are under relentless pressure to optimize every facet of their operations. Among the many functions that need precision, procurement stands out as a critical area where the stakes are particularly high. It’s not just about securing the best value for purchases; it’s about managing supplier relationships, mitigating risks, and ensuring full compliance with ever-evolving regulations. Yet, one critical aspect that often flies under the radar in midsize companies is the management of procurement contracts.

A CEO's Perspective: The Difference Effective Contract Management Makes

As the CEO and Co-Founder of Cequence, with 15 years of hands-on experience managing procurement contracts in corporations of different sizes, I’ve witnessed how effective contract management can be a game-changer. In my career, I’ve seen companies lose millions due to poorly managed contracts—missed deadlines, unexpected costs, and even legal disputes that could have been easily avoided. On the flip side, I’ve also seen how well executed contract management can turn procurement into a strategic advantage, driving significant cost savings, enhancing supplier performance, and reducing risk exposure.

Our mission at Cequence is to bring this level of contract management excellence to midsize companies. We understand that these companies often operate with leaner teams and tighter budgets, making the need for efficient contract management even more crucial. Our specialized Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) solution is tailored to meet these unique needs, ensuring that every contract is not just managed but optimized for success.

The Critical Role of Contracts in Procurement

In procurement, contracts are far more than just legal documents; they are the foundation of your business relationships. They define how you interact with suppliers, from pricing and delivery schedules to quality standards and compliance requirements. For midsize companies, where resources are often stretched thin, every contract must be managed with precision. There’s no room for error—every missed deadline or overlooked clause can lead to significant consequences, from financial losses to damaged supplier relationships.

Customer Experience: The Pain Points of Poor Contract Management

I’ve spoken with countless customers who initially came to us frustrated by the inefficiencies and risks they were facing due to poor contract management. One customer, a rapidly scaling tech company, shared how their manual contract processes led to a missed renewal deadline with a key supplier. This oversight not only cost them financially but also strained the relationship, jeopardizing a critical supply chain. They knew they needed a solution that could keep pace with their growth, providing visibility and control over their contracts. After implementing our CLM solution, they transformed their contract management process, gaining back control and rebuilding that supplier relationship.

Challenges Faced by Midsize Companies

Midsize companies face unique challenges in contract management. Unlike large enterprises with dedicated legal and procurement teams, midsize companies often rely on a few individuals who juggle multiple roles. These individuals may be responsible for everything from negotiating terms to ensuring compliance and managing renewals. The complexity of managing multiple suppliers, navigating various regulations, and ensuring contract compliance can be overwhelming without the right tools.

A CPO from one of our customer companies confided in me that contract management often felt like a second full-time job. He was constantly worried about missing a critical detail that could lead to non-compliance or financial penalties. After adopting our CLM solution, he finally had peace of mind, knowing that the system was handling the complexities, allowing him to focus on strategic initiatives that drove the business forward.

The Importance of a Specialized CLM Solution

This is where our specialized Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) solution comes in. At Cequence, we’ve developed a CLM platform specifically designed for the procurement needs of midsize companies. Our solution streamlines every stage of the contract lifecycle—from drafting and negotiation to approval, execution, and renewal.

Why Our CLM Solution is the Perfect Fit

Efficiency and Time Savings: One of our clients, a midsize manufacturing firm, reported that their contract approval times were cut in half after implementing our solution. Our CLM automates routine tasks, ensuring that contracts are managed consistently and efficiently, freeing up their team to focus on higher-value activities.

Risk Mitigation: Built-in compliance features and automated alerts for key deadlines have saved our customers from costly penalties. A retail company using our CLM shared how the system alerted them to an upcoming regulatory change, allowing them to renegotiate a supplier contract in advance and avoid a potential breach.

Enhanced Visibility and Control: Our CLM solution offers a centralized repository, giving our clients full visibility into their contracts. A CEO of a healthcare scaleup highlighted how this visibility helped them identify underperforming suppliers and renegotiate contracts, leading to significant cost savings.

Flexibility and Scalability: As your company grows, our CLM solution scales with you. One of our customers, a logistics company, expanded rapidly and saw their contract portfolio triple in size. Our solution scaled effortlessly with their growth, without requiring extensive IT support or customization.

Driving Innovation in Procurement

Having spent over a decade on the procurement side, I’ve seen the transformative impact that innovation in contract management can have on a company’s bottom line. What was once a manual, time-consuming process that left little room for strategic thinking is now an area ripe for innovation. With the right technology, procurement teams can automate routine tasks and focus on driving value and innovation.

At Cequence, we’re not just offering a tool; we’re providing a solution that empowers midsize companies to elevate their procurement contract management. Our CLM platform is a reflection of my own experience in the field—designed to meet the practical needs of procurement professionals while driving innovation in how contracts are managed.


Procurement contract management is not just a back-office function—it’s a critical component of your company’s success. By investing in a specialized CLM solution like ours, midsize companies can ensure that their contracts are managed efficiently, risks are minimized, and supplier relationships are strengthened.

If you’re ready to take your procurement contract management to the next level, we invite you to explore how Cequence can help. Let’s work together to turn your contracts into a source of strength and competitive advantage.

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